Friday, January 9, 2009

Infected with baconitis

Bacon is magical. It is a breakfast meat, a garnish, a source of fat for sautéing, a manipulator of other meats like shrimp, scallops, and filet mignon. When I was little my Oma kept a cast iron pan in the over for bacon and eggs. Most of the time it had about a quarter inch of congealed bacon fat in it. She had a coffee can that the excess got poured into (through cheesecloth) which EVERYTHING was cooked in.

It is the only meat that J doesn't complain about the smell of it cooking.

When I worked in the test kitchen at Martha Stewart I learned to cook it on a sheetpan in the oven. No splatter on the cooktop and it takes care of itself while you do other stuff.

The first time we hosted Thanksgiving I wrapped the turkey in it. Crispy skin, crispy bacon, juicy turkey.

I know a group of magazine food/photo editors who have a bacon club. Potluck once a month, every dish must contain bacon. I have heard tales of bacon desserts, but they are a secretive group. And it is a ladies only group.

People blog about how to cook it in different shapes.

Lately I have been seeing/hearing of some really fun stuff. My friend Stasia made chocolate covered bacon with her family over the holidays. I need to try that.

Bacon apple pie can be done in two different ways.

And my favorite, the bacon stuffed bacon wrapped sausage.

I wonder if you could make ice cream out of hard apple cider and bacon fat? I would need to figure out a way to emulsify the fat. Honey Mustard? I would want it sweet, but not too sweet.

My cast iron pan is getting jealous.


Blogger Sara said...

Did you see that there was an article about the bacon explosion in today's times? My favorite, last year's bacon wrapped Thanksgiving turkey. Yum!

January 28, 2009 at 7:26 PM  
Blogger vohrtex said...

I did! my dad emailed it to me as well. Even the Times likes bacon.

January 28, 2009 at 9:51 PM  

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