Thursday, January 29, 2009

What's in there?

Another problem is commercial processing. I'm still trying to figure out veggie burgers. Not that I don't like Boca Burgers. I have yet to find a recipe that will hold together well, especially on the grill. My current version has an egg in it, and I freeze them before cooking. When have you ever bought an un-frozen veggie burger? The freeze keeps it together until the cooking binds the ingredients. 

Weirdly, I love using instant mashed potato flakes instead of bread-crumbs if I'm going to pan fry something. They have a magical taste and texture, even without being re-hydrated. Somehow here I don't really care what's in it, as there is no substitute. At least not until someone buys me a food dehydrator and I figure out how to get mashed potatoes through it.


Blogger Unknown said...

my one food that I didn't consider "processed" until someone pointed it out to me is that "fake" seafood that looks like crab or lobster. there's some real fish in there, but a lot of other stuff too... I still love it though.

February 7, 2009 at 5:06 PM  

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