Saturday, March 14, 2009

Yucca Fries

After the fry up dinner for Blaise, I froze everything we didn't eat. But soon I realized I was loathe to throw the oil out after just one use. So I strained it through cheesecloth, and J. and I had appetizers, on a daily basis, of fried foods. So to go out with a bang I needed something new.

Simon Hopkinson has an interesting looking recipe for parmesan fritters, but it is a of of work. Like prep the day before work, which I wasn't feeling up to. And chickpea fries, while easier, still have a really long prep time.

So I decided on yucca fries. Which, to be technical, should be called yuca or cassava. We have had them several times at restaurants, and thought it was worth a go. And the cooking is easy, just peel, slice, blanche, fry, and salt. We had them with Boca Burgers. (Sorry for the bad photo)

There is only one thing I would do differently; blanch them less. I was paranoid about cyanide poisoning, and really cooked them. But them I read some more online after cooking and realized it wasn't such a big problem. I think it is also important for me to be more meticulous about cutting, so they all come out the same size. 

And no, I don't know if they have a higher/lower carb count than french fries.


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