Thursday, February 24, 2011


I bought some salt cod, mostly on impulse. I'm thinking of codcakes for the Oscars. J. likes fry-up for it and I want something with a bit of umami. I could also make Brandade de Morue. Either way I should start my desalt. I'm not sure how long, depending on how salted the cod was. I have recommendations from 1 to 3 days, So I'm starting today.

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Friday, February 11, 2011

Cinnamon rolls

I've been trying various cinnamon roll recipes for a while. I don't like any of them. While normal recipes I can easily adjust, baking is so based in chemistry that I struggle. I mean, I've spent a year working on my bread recipe.
For Christmas I got Baking With Julia andI love it. I made the Pecan Sticky Buns and they might make me cry. Brioche ough that you fold butter into like puff pastry. The ingredients list could give a cardiologist a chest pain, with its 6 eggs and 5 sticks of butter. But crispy, flaky layers on the outside and soft, tender, airy ruffles in the middle.
So I can easily change it to cinnamon rolls, just increase the cinnamon and maybe cut the pecans entirely, and not have to bother with adjusting chemistry. I'd post a pic, but J. took the camera cable to work this week.

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