Because I have been obsessed with deep frying things, I have been looking for alternatives to french fries. I made yucca fries, but the payoff/workload ratio wasn't worth it, even for me.
1. Peel the massive root. (Pain in the ass.)
2. Cut it into batons, avoiding the woody core. (Bigger pain in the ass.)
3. Blanch the batons, to remove any cyanide. (paranoia sets in, and I cooked them too long.)
4. Dry and then fry your batons.
When I got to the frying, I realized that it was purely for presentation. And because I had over blanched them, the fibers started to separate, and my nicely cut batons looked like fried hairy fingers. And I had missed some chunks of woody core, which are no fun to find in your mouth. I learned a lot, and would do it way better if I did it again, but I won't.
On the other hand, I made chickpea fries, which were awesome.
1. Cook chickpea flour and water into a thick porridge.
2. Spread porridge in a pan and leave in the fridge until it sets, a couple of hours. (this could easily be done the day before.)
3. Flip out of the pan and cut into batons. ( I used a pizza cutter)
4. Fry up!